❖ Deployment
After all that work, we are finally ready to deploy!!
Tilde only has one dependency: pyinfra. You can either use uv like I do, or just use a venv and install pyinfra yourself, it's totally up to you!
❖ Using uv
uv sync # Create a virutal environment and install pyinfra
source .venv/bin/activate # Activate the virutal environment
./run.sh # Run tilde on your homeserver
❖ Using a venv
python3 -m venv tilde_venv # Create a venv for tilde
source tilde_venv/bin/activate # Activate the venv
pip3 install pyinfra # Install pyinfra and dotenv
./run.sh # Run tilde on your homeserver
If everything goes as expected, you'll have a shiny new home server complete with all the features mentioned earlier!
The services are available at homeserver-internal-ip:service-port
The mapping for the ports is as follows:
Nginx Proxy Manager: 81
Wireguard: 51821
Grafana: 3000
Jellyfin: 8096
Nextcloud: 8080